What’s Up with the Board – May 2022

At the May 15 annual meeting Board members joined with the congregation in celebrating the election of volunteers to serve on the Board (Marguerite Holmes, Jane Mayer, Penny Oldfather, and Susie Weller), the Committee on Shared Ministry (Ynza Morganstar and Terri Ray), the Endowment Committee (David Jarrett, Jane King, and Scott Mason), and the Nominating Committee (Roger Bailey and Rosemary Wood).

Led by outgoing Board President Vivian Sellers, annual meeting attendees also voted to accept the 2022-2023 budget and the Bylaws revisions and to adopt the 8th Principle.

A few days earlier the Board gathered for our monthly meeting.

We were pleased to learn from Treasurer Lyndall Tunnell that 2022-2023 pledges had reached a level to cover Cost of Living increases for staff members and part of the moving expenses of Rev. Pippin Whitaker. New or increased pledges are still welcome, either through Realm or by contacting the office. Lyndall also mentioned that, with the end of the 2021-2022 pledge year near, the Fellowship is 6 percent behind in pledges for the year. Those donations are needed to end the year in a positive way.

Clela Reed and Sarah Cook shared a simplified, user-friendly pandemic response phase chart which was recommended by the Gathering Anew Task Force and the Medical Advisory Panel. The revised guidelines reflect changes in how the CDC tracks Covid. The chart is in effect now.

Rev. Lisa introduced trauma-informed ministry, noting that, “We can’t respect other people’s boundaries if we don’t know what those boundaries are.” The colored stickers to let people indicate their levels of comfort with physical contact were introduced during the May 8 Sunday service.

Vivian updated us on plans for recognizing Shaye Gambrell and her 20 years of service following the May 22 service. We are all looking forward to thanking Shaye for her commitment to the Fellowship.

It’s not too late to serve as an on-site or virtual delegate to the June 22-26 General Assembly in Portland, OR. Please contact Iva King to sign on before the June 14 Board meeting. To register for GA visit https://www.uua.org/ga/registration.

We welcome members to the monthly Board meetings.  Next up: June 14. For access to the virtual meeting, contact Karen Solheim at uufa.secretary@gmail.com.

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