What’s Up with the Board – March 2022

President Vivian Sellers called the March 8, 2022, meeting of the Board of Trustees to order.

Treasurer Lyndall Tunnell updated us on the month-long Stewardship Drive now underway, noting that so far about one fourth of members have pledged for the 2022-2023 year which starts July 1, 2022. The Stewardship Drive committee – Kate Blane, Dan Everett, Rev. Lisa Romantum Schwartz, and Susie Weller – are welcoming members to feel “full of gratitude, full of hope” as we work together to reach the aspirational budget described here. You may pledge securely online here or print a pledge form here. Please consider your pledge by March 30.

The towering stack of digital documents which greeted Board members last fall is now considerably shorter as we have reviewed policies, by-laws, the employee handbook, and more over the months. After several more motions to accept revisions during our meeting, the document to-do pile is now hardly visible.

We voted to approve hiring John Neff, pending a background check, as a part-time audio tech to help continue the outstanding Sunday services staff and volunteers have created as UUFA first went virtual and now provides hybrid services.

Clela Reed and Sarah Cook reported that the Regathering Task Force and the Medical Advisory Panel continue to review the status of the pandemic and will make proposals to adjust the level of onsite participation as numbers indicate.

We took a look at the Fellowship’s spring calendar. Please mark your calendars! Find these events on the website calendar when you are looking for more information, pertinent documents, and links to join the virtual portions.

  • April 3  Rev. Alison’s installation as Emerita Minister and Reception
  • By April 10  The Nominating Committee will present the slate of candidates for 2022-2023.
  • April 10  Town Hall (Bylaws & 8th Principle & Budget) at 11 a.m.
  • April 19  Evening Town Hall (Bylaws & 8th Principle & Budget) at 7 p.m.
  • April 24 – May 1 Candidating Week! Meet and hear our candidate for settled minister.
  • April 24  Deadline for Nominating Committee to accept written petitions of 15 or more Voting Members to add any qualified member to the slate
  • May 8  Celebration of Shaye Gambrell and her 20 years of serving UUFA
  • May 15  UUFA Annual Meeting
  • June 12  Reception thanking Rev. Lisa Romantum Schwartz for her service as our Interim Minister
  • June 22 – 26  UUA General Assembly. Registration is underway. Watch for news on participating in Portland, OR, or online.

Board of Trustees meetings welcome visitors. We meet next on April 12, 2022.

Susan Curtis, Board member 

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