What’s Up with the Board – April 2022

President Vivian Sellers called the April 12, 2022, meeting of the Board of Trustees to order.

We welcomed the news of the selection of Rev. Dr. M. Pippin Whitaker as UUFA’s settled minister candidate by the Settled Minister Search Committee and look forward to meeting with Rev. Pippin during Candidating Week at the end of April.

Rev. Lisa led us in a discussion of the 8th Principle (“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”) which UUFA members will consider at the May 15 Annual Meeting. UUA’s Article II Study Commission is looking at Article II’s content, including the current seven principles as well as the adoption of the 8th Principle by UUA, for a General Assembly vote in 2023 or later. For more on the Article II Study Commission click here.

Treasurer Lyndall Tunnell gave an update on the 2022-2023 budget, noting that pledges showed a 2 percent increase over 2021-2022, lagging behind the 15 percent increase of the aspirational budget presented before our stewardship drive. To pledge, including to increase pledges already made, please visit REALM or contact Bookkeeper Nora Joslyn.

Secretary Karen Solheim reported on multi-layered preparations for the May 15 Annual Meeting. Click here for a look at the Nominating Committee’s report. Watch for news on getting an absentee ballot if you will not be able to attend the Annual Meeting in person.

As 2022’s UUA General Assembly approaches, the Board is welcoming member requests to serve as one of UUFA’s six delegates and has extended the deadline to apply to May 15. Please contact Vice President Iva King to apply or get information.

We welcomed Susan Brown’s agreement to serve as the Board Representative to the Nominating Committee for 2022-23.

After many months of reviewing by-laws and policies, we were happy to see the stack disappear with our vote to approve the revision of the Proposed Expenditure Policy and the Memorial Grove Policy. Funding for memorial leaves will now be through donations.

Board of Trustees meetings welcome visitors. We meet next on May 10, 2022.

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