Religious Exploration for Children & Youth

All are welcome to join our fellowship on Sunday, January 19 as we continue to explore our monthly theme of Story. RE, YUU, and COA will meet on Sunday. The following Sunday, January 26, is an all ages service and RE will return on February 2nd. 
Did you know that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a Ware Lecturer at UUA’s general assembly in 1966? Check out the transcript of his lecture here!
Martin Luther King Day Parade On January 20th 
All are invited to join members of UUFA Palms of Fire Drum Circle and the UUFA Social Justice Action Team in walking in the annual parade to celebrate MLK Day. 
Lining up for the parade begins at 2:30 p.m. at the corner of Hull and Washington Streets with the parade starting at 3 p.m. 

Please sign up to walk with UUFA.  For details about the event, click here. For further information about UUFA’s participation in this event, email justice@uuathensga.org.


January 19:  Let’s Make Signs!

Bring your creativity to the sign-making activity in the Fellowship Hall after the worship service on Sunday, January 19.  All are welcome, all materials will be provided, and the signs will be held by UUFA members and friends walking in the annual parade to celebrate MLK Day the following day.

Want to walk with UUFA in the MLK parade but haven’t signed up yet?

Click here.

For further information:  justice@uuathensga.org. 

UUFA Action Alerts and Rapid Response Team
Are you interested in receiving alerts to take action on legislative issues happening on the local, state, and/or national level? Sign up here for email alerts on ways you can use your voice and be involved. 

Other News

Religious Exploration for Children & Youth

UUFA Action Alerts and Rapid Response Team

Reflecting on This Month’s Theme

Small Group Ministry at UUFA

Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!

This Month (& beyond!) at UUFA