Religious Exploration for Children & Youth

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I hope that summer has been treating you well and you have all been staying cool! Summer has been zooming by at the fellowship and July is almost here! Emails will continue to be light until August when we will return to our regular weekly email updates. 
RE+YUU in June and July
June 30 – RE+YUU 
July 7 – All Ages
July 14 – All Ages
July 21 – RE + YUU 
July 28 – RE + YUU
RE+YUU continue to meet together and explore workshops with our guest speakers! This Sunday, June 30th, we will be treated to an amazing interactive Geology Talk with Chris! I am so excited to learn and grow together. 
A big thanks to Iva for her incredible workshop on gourd birdhouses! RE+YUU had the chance to learn about making these incredible habitats and decorated a few that now live in the trees at UUFA!

With the change in our by-laws, youth ages 12 and up are eligible to become voting members at UUFA! Please RSVP with me so that we can have an accurate count for the class. This will fulfill the new membership class requirement. I am leading this class with some incredible folx and it should be a great time! If an interested youth will not be 12 by the class date, look out for another date in January of 2025. 

Volunteers wanted for RE! This summer we will be inviting individuals from our congregation (RE+YUU volunteers, parents, and the larger congregational community) to share their skills with our children. 
Are you a creator? Artist? Crafter? Inventor? Baker? Builder? Problem solver? I would love to work with you to develop a project that will engage and excite our kids and youth one Sunday morning this summer. Let me know if you would like to be involved! 

Chalice Lighting

Does your family want to light or extinguish the chalice at an upcoming service? Email dre.kahla@uuathensga.org or find Kahla after service to sign up!

If you have questions about this form, please contact our Director of Religious Exploration, Kahla Childers, at DRE@uuathensga.org

Other News

Upcoming Justice Partner Events

July 24 :  Worship Matters

Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!

The Summer Invitational Art Show

Coming Up July July 21-27 in Radford, VA,–SUUSI: Southeast UU Summer Institute

Reflecting on This Month’s Theme: Play