UUFA Completes Welcoming Congregation Renewal

from Rev. Michael J. Crumpler, LGBTQ and Multicultural Programs Director:

UUFA has successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2021. Sincere congratulations on your ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ welcome and inclusion in and beyond Athens, Georgia.

It was a pleasure to read about all you have accomplished and the powerful work you have done to ensure that UUFA is meeting the needs of queer and trans congregants and the wider community in the following ways:

I. Becoming a Welcoming Congregation – 1996

II. Welcoming Worship
The Welcoming Mat – 6/27/2021
Black, Gay, and Proud – 9/5/2021

III. Welcoming Days of Observance
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
International Transgender Day of Visibility
Day of Silence
Lesbian Day of Visibility
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
Pulse Night of Remembrance

IV. Welcoming Religious Education
UUFA Forum: LGBTQ+/TGQNB: What Do All the Letters Mean? – 11/21/2021

V. Support a Welcoming Project
Donated to Athens Pride

For more information on all of our LGBTQ programs and activities, please visit The Five Practices of Welcome Renewal, subscribe to the quarterly UPLIFT newsletter, and read the UPLIFT blog. We also invite you to join the new Welcoming Congregations of Unitarian Universalism Facebook Group and follow UPLIFT Twitter and Instagram @uua_lgbtq.

If you would like to work on UUFA’s Welcoming Congregation renewal for 2021, contact Karen Solheim.

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