UUFA Art Exhibit “Black in White” Runs Through July

In the UUFA Welcome Hall Gallery from June 3 to July 28

The gallery is open each Sunday from 10:30 until 1 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Contact the office for other times/days.

“. . . I look for what is forgotten in a shared history, and I use that past to interrogate our present condition.” Rodney Grainger

On June 19, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. the Racial Justice Team will sponsor a lecture by local artist Rodney L Grainger whose work will be on display starting June 3rd..Rodney’s work focuses on the American Black experience, both the terrors of racism and the comforting Black household workers with whom he grew up in Alabama. 

Rodney art has been exhibited in various galleries: Atlanta Art Gallery, Spirull Gallery, City Gallery East, Gertude Herbert Institute of Art, Georgia State University Gallery, Agnes Scott College, Beacon Hill Artists, among others. He is the recipient of the Artist Merit Award, Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, Augusta, GA and is a Fellow at the Artist Residency Program at The Hambidge Center in Rabun Gap, GA. 

About his work, Rodney says “Race, gender and class are recurrent themes in my work as I seek to give voice to those in our collective history who are less often, if ever, heard. I am interested in creating an appealing aesthetic that accesses deeper levels of personal awareness rather than simply polemical or editorial statements. My narrative works examine cultural forgetting and acts of remembrance which are deeply influenced by my experiences of growing up in a racially segregated Birmingham, Alabama during the 50’s and 60’s. I have relied on charcoal drawing (actually paintings in black and white) as my principal medium because it is so closely aligned to writing. It is the most visually graphic, and black and white is the primary language of memory, dreams and the unconscious. “

You can see some of Rodney’s work from the Atlanta Art Gallery here: http://atlantaartgallery.com/Artist%20Pages/Grainger.html

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