This Month (& beyond!) at UUFA

This Month (& Beyond!) at UUFA

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January and February Highlights

Check the uuathensga.org/upcoming-uufa-events online calendar and uuathensga.org/news page for updates.  Join Realm/Connect for links to virtual meetings and updates from individual groups.

Potluck and GameFest Celebrate the first day of 2025! Attend the UUFA Potluck and GameFest on January 1st from 12 to 3 p.m. All are invited to bring a dish to share and a game to play. Bring a friend or two! For planning purposes, please RSVP. Need more info? Contact the office.

Simple Supper All are welcome to join together on January 8th from 6 to 7 p.m. Bring a potluck dish to share or RSVP to Kahla for a simple provided meal. Include the number in your group and any dietary restrictions. Every 2nd Wednesday. 

Celebration of the Life of Deb Brenner will be held January 4th at 2 p.m. at UUFA. If you need to join virtually, please reach out to the office (admin@uuathensga.org or 706-546-7914, ext 5.)

Artist Reception for Broderick Flanigan’s Show in the Clements Gallery on January 17th at 5 p.m. 

AADM Social Justice Awards and Black Gala 2025 The Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement is hosting the night dedicated to honoring individuals who are paving the way for justice, equality, and civic engagement in Athens and throughout the state of Georgia. The event is planned for January 16th at the Indigo Hotel. For details and tickets visit aadmovement.org/events

West African Dance Class led by Jason Aryeh, UGA Dance professor from Ghana is set for January 18th at 4 p.m. Free and open to all!

Celebration of the Life of Catherine Kleiner will be held January 19th at 3 p.m. at UUFA.

Martin Luther King Day Parade On January 20th all are invited to join members of UUFA Palms of Fire Drum Circle and the UUFA Social Justice Action Team in walking in the annual parade to celebrate MLK Day. Lining up for the parade begins at 2:30 p.m. at the corner of Hull and Washington Streets with the parade starting at 3 p.m. Please sign up to walk with UUFA. Sign-making for the parade is set for January 19th in Fellowship Hall after the worship service. Bring your creativity. All materials will be provided. For details about the event, click here. For further information about UUFA’s participation in this event, email justice@uuathensga.org.

Kickstart Your Health Class Led by Food for Life Instructor Susan Bleyle, this January 26 class from 12 to 2 p.m. in the AWE Room will empower people to achieve a healthy weight or manage their weight with an abundance of grains, fruits, legumes, and vegetables. Participants will hear suggestions and tips for plant-based breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snack foods. The class is offered to the UUFA community free of charge. A $15 donation to cover food and materials costs is greatly appreciated. Contact Susan to register at susan@ susanbleyle.com or 678-708-3952. Hosted by the UUFA Food Justice Team.

Looking ahead to February:

  • All month Diaper Drive by SJAT
  • Cause of the Month 2025-26 Nominations open (exact dates TBA)
  • February 2, 9 and 16 – RE, YUU, and COA meet for Religious Exploration
  • February 7-9 – Choir Winter Retreat at The Mountain with Emerson UUs
  • February 12, 6-7 p.m. – Simple Supper Every 2nd Wednesday!
  • February 23, 7 p.m. – AADM Athens In Harmony 

Let’s Get Together 

Virtual Only – V       Multi-platform – MP

All are welcome at these UUFA meetings and events!

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Services, 10:30 a.m. – MP

Sundays following the worship services, Community and Conversation, 11:30 a.m. – MP


January 5, 12-1:30 p.m. Intergenerational Journeys This new membership class is open to youth ages 12 and up and to adults! RSVP to Meredyth,  members@uuathensga.org

Children, YUU and COA (youth Coming of Age) are meeting on January 5, 12, and 19 at 10:30 a.m. to participate in religious exploration. The All Ages service is January 26.    

 For Children Contact Dir. of Religious Exploration Kahla (DRE@uuathensga.org) to receive updates.  

  For Youth & Young Adults Contact Coordinator Meredyth (YYA@ uuathensga.org) to receive updates. 

 For Adults

Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. – Morning Meditation V

January 5 & 19, 12:30 p.m. – Historical Jesus Book Discussion Do you want to learn more about the historical Jesus? Based on historical research, much is now known about his life and his teachings and how they fit into the context of his time. In this group we read and discuss various perspectives by scholars about the historical Jesus. We do not address Christian theological questions; those are matters of faith, not history. 

January 12, 1 p.m. – Book Talks V is an informal group that meets the second Sunday of the month to discuss books selected by the members. While reading the monthly selection ahead of time is desirable, don’t stay away if you haven’t finished the book or haven’t read it at all. Your comments are always welcomed. To join Book Talks virtually, regular attendees are encouraged to join the group on Realm/Connect to ensure access to the link, or contact the office (UUFA@uuathensga.org or 706-546-7914, ext. 5). The January selection is Baltasar and Blimunda by Jose Saramago. The February book is Quantum Supremacy by Michio Kaku.

January 14, 12 p.m. – The Second Lookers Charlotte Marshall, founding member of the Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery, will present a brief history of early Athens cemeteries, a visual tour of the landscape and monuments, and anecdotal stories about some of the “residents” at the next gathering of Second Lookers on Tuesday, January 14, beginning at noon.

All are invited to join Second Lookers, a monthly group gathered for fellowship, food, and fun.  Members and friends of the Fellowship gather with their “brown bag” lunches and then enjoy a program, spoken and/or musical. For more information or to attend the monthly gathering virtually, join the group in Realm/Connect, or contact the coordinators at secondlookers @UUAthensGA.org, or contact the office (706-546-7914, ext. 5).  MP 

January 19, 9:15 a.m. – Forum  Watch for news of the topic! 

January 19, 2 p.m. – Goddess Group, a circle of persons who identify as female, gathers monthly to study “Thealogy,” the feminine aspect of the Divine. The group uses curricula designed by the UU Women’s Federation and other women-centered organizations and individuals to explore their inner goddess. They engage in ritual, conversation, sharing, and caring as a ministry to each other and others within the greater community. Contact the facilitators at goddess@uuathensga.org for more information.

For Everyone

January 7, 6:30 p.m. – Worship Arts and Celebrations Team (WACT) V

January 21, 7 p.m. – UUFA Board meeting. Check with the Board secretary (secretary@uuathensga.org) to be put on the agenda if you would like to speak at the meeting.

Making Music

Questions? Contact Music Director Amber Fetner at MD@uuathensga.org

For Everyone

January 18, 4 p.m. – West African Dance Class led by Jason Aryeh, UGA Dance professor from Ghana. Free and open to all!

Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. – Palms of Fire Drum Circle, under the guidance of Amber, focuses on West African drumming although other musical traditions and instruments are also explored. All are welcome! No prior drumming experience is necessary, and you don’t even need to bring a drum. Drumming will return January 8.

Wednesdays, 7 p.m. – Chalice Choir in the Sanctuary. We sing many different kinds of music and welcome all singers. If you’re thinking about trying it out, please email Amber (md@uuathensga.org). The choir will return January 8.

Fun and Fellowship

For Everyone

Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. – Community Potluck  Enjoy social time followed by a potluck dinner. Please bring enough food to share.

January 8, 6 p.m. – Simple Supper All are welcome to join together on January 8th from 6 to 7 p.m. Bring a potluck dish to share or RSVP to Kahla for a simple provided meal. Include the number in your group and any dietary restrictions. Every 2nd Wednesday. 

 For Adults

Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m. – Coffee Hour  Two groups usually meet off site. Want to meet up? Contact uufa@uuathensga.org to learn the locations or join the group on Realm/Connect. Call the office to get Connected!

Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. – Tai Chi Flow Class V

January 12, 11:30 a.m. – Getting to Know UUFA  Newcomers are welcome after the service in the AWE Room. 

January 26, 7 p.m. – Alphabet Family V  This group for folx who identify anywhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum gathers virtually on fourth Sundays.

Seeking Justice

Have questions about any justice program? Contact Justice@uuathensga.org.

All Month –CANtributions Food Drive. 

January 5, 12 p.m. – Social Justice Action Team MP  See details on the SJAT’s plans for the January 20 MLK parade above.

January 9, 5 p.m. – Racial Justice Team V

January 19, 12 p.m. – Peace Advocacy Team MP Conference Rm

 UUFA Action Alerts and Rapid Response Team Are you interested in receiving alerts to take action on legislative issues happening on the local, state, and/or national level? Sign up here  for email alerts on ways you can use your voice and be involved. (Or look for the link at uuathensga.org/Justice. For more information: justice@uuathensga.org,

Other News

Religious Exploration for Children & Youth

UUFA Action Alerts and Rapid Response Team

Reflecting on This Month’s Theme

Small Group Ministry at UUFA

Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!

This Month (& beyond!) at UUFA