Upcoming Justice Partner Events

July 14:  Women in Business Lunch and Learn
All are invited to attend the Women in Business Lunch and Learn Event on Saturday, July 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. at 489 Prince Avenue.

For more information about this event hosted by UUFA Justice Partner AADM, visit aadmovement.org/events/women-in-business-brunch-learn.

July 29:  DEI Dinner and Dialogue
All are invited to attend the DEI Dinner and Dialogue Party on Sunday, July 29, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Indigo Hotel.

For more information about this event hosted by UUFA Justice Partner AADM, visit aadmovement.org/events/dei-diner-dialogue.

Other News

Upcoming Justice Partner Events

July 24 :  Worship Matters

Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!

The Summer Invitational Art Show

Coming Up July July 21-27 in Radford, VA,–SUUSI: Southeast UU Summer Institute

Reflecting on This Month’s Theme: Play