12 p.m. Earth Ministry Team
Meeting on the patio, outside the UUFA Fellowship Hall. For over a decade the Fellowship has been recognized as a Green Sanctuary Congregation by UUA. Through the years the Team met the requirements to create a Wildlife Habitat on our grounds, worked to decrease invasive plants, developed composting and recycling processes, and reduced energy use. […]
Social Action Committee (SAC)
Be the change you want to see in the world. You are invited to attend the next meeting of the Social Action Committee (SAC) in the Eskildsen Room at UUFA and virtually at the link below. Click here to connect to this meeting most first Sundays. Can’t attend?  If you would like to know what […]
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship & Religious Exploration
Look for this month’s worship topics here. You can always find that info on the UUFA News page. For details on this week and month in UUFA Religious Exploration, click here. For questions about all Religious Exploration programs at UUFA, connect with Dir. of Religious Exploration Kahla Childers. For more information on the Youth & […]