Spiritual Exploration and Practices Group Chooses New Book

Back from the summer break – Let’s meet again on September 13 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. This group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month on UUFA Zoom. We are starting a new book – Living UntetheredBeyond the Human Predicament by Michael Singer. We read his first book The Untethered Soul, which was a New York Times best seller.  His second book is to help direct us all to look inside for real freedom, love, and inspiration. We will learn how to embark on this inner journey.

The group has a time to share personally, a time to be quiet and reflect, and a time to share reflections from the book.  The book is slowly reviewed and parts of it may be read because of the detail.  The link to join the discussion can be found here or find the event on the UUFA website calendar. If you have questions, please contact either Kathy Mason or Cleta Rudolph.  

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