Family Promise Week August 14 to 21

Family Promise of Athens is a non-profit organization that provides immediate shelter and guidance to homeless families with children due to the impact of misfortunes they face. Once families are accepted into the program, Family Promise provides food, shelter, daycare, and transportation. UUFA serves as a support congregation during weeks that the guest families stay overnight at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. We provide meals and serve as van drivers, dinner hosts, overnight hosts, and weekend Day Center hosts.

Guests’ Information:
There will be three families served during this week, 10 guests total.  Right now, only two families are in the program.  The third family moves in on Friday.  

  1. William David has one son, SJ, who is 5 years old.  Mr. David does not eat seafood.
  2. Jeanette Stinson has two children–Zyion (16 years old) and Wisdom (3 years old).  Zyion is 6′ 3″ and 250 pounds, so there hasn’t been much food left over after each nightly meal!  This family doesn’t eat pork.
  3. Family Three has two parents, two 9 year old twins, and a 3-year-old.  

Food choices recommended by the current families:  meatloaf, baked potatoes, garlic bread, rice, corn, cornbread, lasagna with salad, chili with crackers, hamburgers, fries, chicken, cabbage/rice rolls, roast, green beans, black-eyed peas, salads, fruit, tacos.
Van Drivers:No van drivers will be needed.  The children will be transported to school by the county school buses.  The parents can use public transportation.

Contributions for Kroger gift cards (to help with breakfasts and lunches) can be sent to Diana Pearson (FamilyPromise coordinator at Holy Cross).  Her address is 150 Homestead Drive, Athens 30605.

Volunteer Sign-Up Link

For additional information including how to volunteer, contact UUFA Family Promise Coordinators Becky Parker and Fran Cawthon.October 30-November 6 is the last week of UUFA’s support this calendar year.

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