9 a.m. Nifty Gifty & Winter Wonderland
What: Nifty Gifty is an annual UUFA tradition when folx of all ages are invited to come make crafts and gifts for their loved ones. We will have several stations to create items for all to enjoy. We will also have special crafts geared towards older kids, teens, and adults! We round out all the gift making with special treats, music, and a joyous celebration.
When: Saturday, December 7th from 9-12 PM
Where: Fellowship Hall at UUFA
Why: To create gifts for our loved ones and share in joy together.
How: Come to the fellowship to create gifts, hang out and eat treats, or volunteer to assist at a craft table!
Nifty Gifty and Winter Wonderland is an incredible experience, but it needs volunteers to run smoothly! Sign up here to help set up, assist at a craft table (crafts and materials are pre-planned by our incredible Nifty Gifty team), coordinate food and drinks, or help clean up! Want to share a special treat? Sign up here! I can’t wait to see you all there!