9 a.m. Outside Beautification Day at UUFA

And enjoy working outdoors with other UUs

With abundant rain, sunshine, and warm temperatures, Mother Nature has everything growing so well, including our beautiful shrubbery, flowers – and weeds. UUFA only pays someone to cut the grass; the other many tasks on our grounds rely on volunteers. Your next opportunity to help is on Saturday, June 17.

The weeds are taking over. Trees and shrubs need trimming. The playground area needs work to make it safer for the kids. The solar panels are in dire need of cleaning. We already have a few volunteers for this task, but extra help would be welcome.

There is plenty of work to be done. What we lack is the volunteers to get it all accomplished. Please come out and help on June 17. Bring gloves, wear a hat, and don’t forget plenty of water. The building will be open for you to use the facilities and get more water. You may also want to bring a snack, as I’ve found that I get hungry working out there. And remember, it is so fun working with other UUs.

We’ll be starting by 9 am. I plan to get there earlier to beat the heat and hope the solar panel crew is working once the sun is up. If you need to come later, that is also welcome.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Mark Williams at building@uuathensga.org. If you know you can attend, please let me know to help plan for the work that day.

Hope to see many of you there.

The event is finished.


Jun 17 2023


9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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