Committee, Team, and Group Information

Teams and Groups are listed in alphabetical order (not including “the”).

The Alphabet Family

A laid-back hang out and chat session for anyone who self-identifies anywhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, on the fourth Sunday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m.


Contact information and meeting times 

  • Ynza Morgan Star, alphabetfamily@uuathensga.org

  • 4th Sunday of each month, from 6-8 pm (currently meeting online)

Book Talks

Read and discuss via Zoom once a month (Sept through May) books selected by the members of the group.

Contact information and meeting times

  • Clarissa Finco (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org, or through Realm Connect)

  • Second Sunday of the month

Care Rings

Upon joining, all members are assigned to a Care Ring. We have five color-coded Care Rings, each composed of seven or more families or single households in the same vicinity. Care Ring members offer each other support in dealing with crises or stressful situations. They also share your joys: a new child in the family, notable birthdays, anniversaries, and honors. https://www.uuathensga.org/fellowship/pastoral-care/ 

Contact information and meeting times

  • Kathy Mason, main care ring organizer (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org, or through Realm Connect)

  • Each care ring meets at different times and in different ways.

Circle Suppers

About eight folks meet about once a month to share a meal and conversation. People take turns hosting. The groups are different each month to allow lots of mixing. Great food, great company!

Contact information and meeting times

  • Alice Rose (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

  • Whenever as many participants as possible can attend.

Communications Team

Contact information and meeting times

Earth Ministry Team

We work to make our Fellowship environmentally sustainable, including native and pollinator-friendly plants in our landscaping. Our goals include making our Fellowship carbon neutral and renewing our Green Sanctuary certification from the UUA. We advocate for climate justice in the wider world. We are part of the UUFA Justice Cluster and overlap with Social Action Committee

Contact information and meeting times

  • Mark Williams

  • justice@uuathensga.org

  • Meetings as needed.

Family Promise

Family Promise volunteers are needed during four weeks each year—fall, spring, summer, and winter. There are no meetings to attend. Before each of the four hosting weeks, the co-chairs will email those who are on the volunteer list and provide all the information they will need to volunteer, including a sign up link.  

Contact information and meeting times

Food Justice Team (FJT)

We raise consciousness around our industrial food system. This includes awareness about the plight of workers, animals, environment, nutrition, soil, hunger, and the future of food production.

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Kate Blane

  • justice@uuathensga.org

  • 4th Sunday after service at 12:00pm

Goddess Group

The Goddess Group, a circle of persons who identify as female, gathers monthly to study “Thealogy,” the feminine aspect of the Divine. During third Sunday afternoon gatherings, the group uses curricula designed by the UU Women’s Federation and other women-centered organizations and individuals to explore their inner goddess. They engage in ritual, conversation, sharing, and caring as ministry to each other and others within the greater community.

Contact information and meeting times

  • Myrna Adams West

  • goddess@uuathensga.org

  • Third Sundays, usually from 2:00-4:00 pm. Until further notice, we are meeting via Zoom.

Groundskeeping Crew

We are a group of members that volunteer to cut the grass, pull out the weeds, blow the leaves and do all the other tasks needed to keep our grounds looking beautiful. We also work to get rid of invasive species on the property while promoting the growth of native species. We speak of giving of our time, talent and treasure – this one requires only your time. And we have lots of fun working together outside.

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Mark Williams

  • building@uuathensga.org

  • Meetings as needed


We provide refreshments for Community and Conversation after Sunday service. This includes setting up before the service by making coffee, tea and setting out food donations and then cleaning up after Community and Conversation is over.

Contact information and meeting times  

  • Kate Blane (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

  • The meetings are quarterly.

  • Still re-structuring and looking for a chair or co-chairs

Membership Team

Our main focus is to greet and inform newcomers and to ease their transition to membership and connection with the Fellowship.

Contact information and meeting times  

  • Vivian Preston Sellers & Diane Schmidt (contact through the UUFA office or through Realm Connect, uufa@uuathensga.org)

  • 4th Sundays at 2:00 pm

Music Ministry

Singing, drumming, making joyful noise! https://www.uuathensga.org/nourishing-our-spirits/music/

Contact information and meeting times

  • Amber Fetner
  • musicdirector@uuathensga.org
  • Drum is Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30, Choir is Wednesdays 7-8 (RSVP with Amber!)

Partner Church Committee

Open to all members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, our purpose in the past was to promote awareness of and commitment to our Unitarian heritage in Transylvanian, Romania, through a partnership in Okland, Romania.

Since the death of the minister in Okland and a new minister being called both in Okland and at the UUFA, how might we reimagine our relationship with this congregation and with Unitarianism and Unitarian Universalist abroad going forth in the future? 

UUFA website link: https://www.uuathensga.org/okland-partner-church/

Okland Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/Okl%C3%A1ndi-Unit%C3%A1rius-Egyh%C3%A1zk%C3%B6zs%C3%A9g-570861266326650

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Michelle Leebens-Mack (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

Racial Justice Team (RJT)

We educate our members about white supremacy culture, promote the 8th principle and engage with the wider community by supporting black owned businesses and nonprofits.  

Contact information and meeting times  

  • Iva King, Paul VanValkenburg (justice@uuathensga.org)

  • 1st Thursday of each month at 5:00pm via zoom

Religious Book Discussion Group

We read and discuss books about religion and some original texts. The focus is historical, not theological. We will start with a focus on the historical Jesus, and the group will decide what we will read next. In the UU tradition: no dogma, open to all regardless of beliefs or non-belief; should be of interest to UUs, Christians, Jews, atheists, et al.

 Contact information and meeting times 

  • Paul Gurian (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

  • 1st & 3rd Sundays at 12:30 p.m. Multi-platform. Check the calendar for link to join.

Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration at UUFA cultivates a space for learning, play, growth, and connection, focusing on children and families while also creating intergenerational programming for the whole congregation.


 Contact information and meeting times 

  • Kahla Childers

  • dre.kahla@uuathensga.org

  • Sundays during service and other events or meetings on weeknights or weekends.

Second Lookers

“Second Lookers” meets once a month on the second Tuesday from noon until 1:30 or so. We invite a speaker or have an activity that is of interest to older people at UUFA.

 Contact information and meeting times 

  • Pat Adams and Martha Phillips

  • Second Tuesday of the month

  • Contact Pat & Martha through the UUFA office (uufa@uuathensga.org).

Small Group Ministry

SGM groups are made up of 8 – 12 people who meet once or twice a month to discuss a wide range of topics, both serious and silly. It’s a great way to move past the small talk, really get to know others, and build deeper friendships.

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Camille Belnap, Kirstin Mix

  • sgm@uuathensga.org

  • Meetings as needed.

 Social Action Committee (SAC)

The Social Action Committee, an active group, focuses on UU principles of justice, equity, the democratic process, and the inherent worth and dignity of all people.  Social action has been a hallmark of this congregation since our founding in 1954.  The Social Action Committee meets at noon on the first

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Karen Solheim (justice@uuathensga.org)

  • First Sunday of the month, after service at 12:00pm.  Meeting is hybrid of in-person and zoom


Sunday Guides and Safety Committee

Weekly the Guides oversee the security/safety of the building access on Sundays and also oversee safety emergency responses that may occur as a Guide. This group is now a part of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.


Three of us usher for every Sunday service. We greet people and, if needed, help them find seating; provide fidget toys for anyone who wants to fidget during the service; collect the joys and sorrows cards; and pass the offering baskets. The rotation is designed so that no-one will have to usher more than once a month and we are flexible when working with your particular schedule. It is an easy; but important part of our Sunday ritual; the perfect opportunity for newcomers and overly busy people who want to give back to their church community. 

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Kay Read (contact Kay through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org)

  • No regular meetings required

WACT Worship Arts and Celebration Team

WACT supports the minister in the planning and conducting of the worship services. There are many ways to participate in WACT. One does not have to speak or be a part of a service. New ideas and perspectives are welcomed.


Contact information and meeting times 

  • Reverend Pippin

  • minister@uuathensga.org

  • First Tuesday of each month

Welcome Hall Art Gallery

Displaying talented artists. Artists are given space free.

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Scott Mason (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

  • Team of One at this point. I need help hanging and taking down.

Writing as Spiritual Practice

Writing as Spiritual Practice explores UUFA’s monthly worship theme through various written genres. The facilitator provides prompts for thinking and/or writing about the theme, and the group offers a safe space for sharing written or spoken thoughts.

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Myrna Adams West (contact through the UUFA office, uufa@uuathensga.org or through Realm Connect)

  • First Sundays at 9:00-10:00 am. We are currently meeting via Zoom.

Youth Group

We are the middle and high school youth group. We learn and play and grow together and provide a safe space for our young UU’s

Contact information and meeting times 

  • Meredyth Howard

  • YYA@uuathensga.org

  • We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays during services, with opportunities to assist in service on 5th Sundays. 

Other News

Protected: This Month (& Beyond!) at UUFA

UUFA Action Alerts and Rapid Response Team

Religious Exploration for Children & Youth

Reflecting on This Month’s Theme

Small Group Ministry at UUFA

Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!