UUFA Art Exhibit “Black in White” Runs Through July

Reception immediately after the worship service in the Welcome Hall and on the UUFA Patio. “. . . I look for what is forgotten in a shared history, and I use that past to interrogate our present condition.” Rodney Grainger

Annual Meeting Results of Voting

Business conducted during the Annual Meeting. The following business motions were made, discussed, and voted upon during the Congregational Annual Meeting on May 15, 2022:

What’s Up with the Board – May 2022

There’s still time! Sign on as a GA delegate. Complete your 2021-2022 pledge. Let us know your pledge plans for next year. Check out the revised Regathering Chart. Get the details in our monthly Board wrap-up.

Are you an audiophile?

UUFA’s AV Team needs additional audio techs during Sunday morning worship and for other events held at the Fellowship.

Board Reflection – May 2022

As UUFA considers “Building a New Way through Partnership” as our May theme, let’s look back at the almost two years Rev. Lisa has partnered with us on the Board and throughout the Fellowship.

What’s Up with the Board – April 2022

It’s prep time for the Board of Trustees. Read about their plans for coming weeks in this Board report. Ahead: Candidating Week! Closing out the Stewardship Drive! Putting together Annual Meeting! More!

UUFA Completes Welcoming Congregation Renewal

from Rev. Michael J. Crumpler, LGBTQ and Multicultural Programs Director: UUFA has successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2021. Sincere congratulations on your ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ welcome and inclusion in and beyond Athens, Georgia. It was a pleasure to read about all you have accomplished and the powerful work you have […]

Art for Justice–a UUFA Justice Partner (AADM) Event

Every Saturday, join the Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM), a UUFA 2021-22 Justice Partner, at the Justice Center for a FREE art class! Paint to soothing music and discuss local issues with members of AADM. Open to painters of all levels! The Justice Center & Bookstore is located on the first floor of the Georgia Square Mall across from Belk’s.

Board Member Reflections: April 2022

Discernment is the ability to achieve the sharpest possible perception of a situation or of a process in order to “get through it” with mindfulness.

What’s Up with the Board – March 2022

Catch up with the Board of Trustees’ actions and plans in this overview of their March 8 meeting. Included: the Stewardship Drive happening now and a new audio tech for Sunday services.