Youth Group Returns!

Join our Youth Group kick-off on Sunday, August 21st at 10:30 AM! Middle and high school youth at UUFA will meet every first and third Sunday of the month where they will have the opportunity to come together during service to covenant together, nurture friendships, and hold space for big dreams.

Happy Greetings to Each of You!

I am writing this at my new desk with a smile on my face as I imagine your smiling faces, as well as your tired, surprised, confused, angry, or lonely faces. Why do I mention more than smiling faces? Because I am actively welcoming all that you are experiencing right now. You are a blessing just as you are. I welcome you in my ministry.

What’s Up With the UUFA Board

Learn more about the UUFA board’s July meeting here, including individual board assignments and confirmation of the 2022 Finance Committee.

August in Religious Exploration

Backpack Blessing is this Sunday, August 7. What do you carry in your bag? Is it happiness, anxiety, or curiousity? What would you like to carry more of? How can we provide confidence, strength or perseverance to one another?

You are welcome, friend… and stranger

We Unitarian Universalists struggle when it’s time to define and describe our identity by using elevator speeches on our faith or enunciating all our principles and sources.. But when it comes to issues that define the times we live in, we know exactly where we stand and what to say.

Family Promise Week August 14 to 21

UUFA serves as a support congregation during weeks that the guest families stay overnight at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. We provide meals and serve as van drivers, dinner hosts, overnight hosts, and weekend Day Center hosts.

Bridging Ceremony July 31

All are invited to join the UUFA in a special Bridging Ceremony in which we celebrate our newest young adult and youth group members. The ceremony will take place during service on Sunday, July 31st at 10:30 AM.