Board Reflection – May 2022

As UUFA considers “Building a New Way through Partnership” as our May theme, I am looking back at the almost two years Rev. Lisa has partnered with us on the Board and throughout the Fellowship. What comes to mind first is her ability to share her experience and expertise in the larger UU world – so important as we have responded to the pandemic, grappled with issues facing General Assembly, and sought a settled minister candidate. Equally important, Rev. Lisa has helped us through a major goal of interim ministry – envisioning a fresh future by letting go of some of the past. 

Speaking of freshness – Rev. Lisa has really engaged us with her energetic sermons based in deep understanding, bringing us together even as we were separated by the pandemic for well over a year of her ministry. Her overseeing the growth of our Sunday worship tech team helped make all those virtual services not only possible but also a standout among congregations.

Rev. Lisa’s participation with the Communications Team has also helped us CT’ers understand how to deliver a message of welcome in fresh images and language. As a member of the website development team, I particularly appreciate her commitment to focusing on developing an engaging design and adding depth to the discussions that fill the new website.

Her partnering with us has been essential to the Transition Team and the Settled Minister Search Committee. I am sure many of us can think of other moments when our partnership with Rev. Lisa has helped lead us to where we are today as we look forward to partnering with our next settled minister, Rev. Pippen.

Susan Curtis

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