Affirming Transgender and Nonbinary Youth and the entire LGBTQIA Community

Transgender and nonbinary youth have been under attack this legislative season, with their rights to age-appropriate hormone therapy and other medical care stripped away by Senate Bill 140. UUFA joins in affirming our transgender, non binary, and entire LGBTQIA family. Please read this letter that Rev. Pippin sent to our LGBTQIA community. In addition, the Unitarian Universalist Association issued this message to all Unitarian Universalists in response to attacks on transgender and nonbinary youth and the LGBTQIA community

On Friday March 31, UUFA-ers are invited to join Rev Pippin who will be speaking at a national UUA event in celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility Friday, March 31st @ 8pm ET. This will be an intentionally multigenerational child and youth-centered event that responds to legislative attacks on transgender youth across the country with a community of resilience. For more information and to register click here.

If you are wondering how you can be an ally to transgender and nonbinary youth, this GLAAD webpage has information to help you feel more grounded and able to show up as an ally. 

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