Annual Meeting Results of Voting

Business conducted during the Annual Meeting

The following business motions were made, discussed, and voted upon during the Congregational Annual Meeting on May 15, 2022:

1.  The motion to accept the slate of nominees proposed by the Nominating Committee passed. Those who will be serving for 2022-23 are:

Board of Trustees
Iva King, President (appt. by Board) 2023 (2024 At-large)
Jane Mayer, Vice President (appt. by Board) 2023 (2025 At-large)
Lyndall Tunnell, Treasurer 2023
Sarah Cook, Secretary 2024
Vivian Sellers 2023
Marco Messori 2023
Marguerite Holmes 2025
Penny Oldfather 2024
Susie Weller 2025

Nominating Committee
Kelly Simonson 2023
Jane Kobres 2023
Roger Bailey 2024
Rosemary Wood 2024
Appointed by BoT: Susan Brown 2023

Committee on Shared Ministry
Margaret Holt 2023
Debbie Hardigree 2023
Deb Keys 2024
Lisa Brown 2024
Ynza Morganstar 2025
Terri Ray 2025

Endowment Committee
Scott Mason 2025
David Jarrett 2024
Jane King 2023

2.  The motion to accept the 2022-23 budget passed.
3.  The original motion to accept the proposed bylaws changes did not pass. The motion made during the meeting to accept all the proposed changes except those that referred to the Committee on Shared Ministry did pass.
4.  The motion to approve the adoption of the 8th principle passed, with 88% voting “yes.”

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