Town Hall: Bylaws, Budget, and 8th Principle

April UUFA Town Hall Meetings

In preparation for this year’s Annual Meeting on May 15,
two town hall meetings are planned.
Please feel free to attend either or both.

Sunday, April 10, at 11 a.m., multi-platform
(sanctuary and via Zoom)

Salad, pizza, and ice cream will be served after the meeting
to those attending on-site.
Please click here to make your pizza preference known. 🙂
Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m., Zoom only

Three topics will be presented and discussed at each of these town hall meetings:

                     proposed 2022-23 budget
proposed amendments to the UUFA bylaws
                               (View explanation of recommended changes to the bylaws.)
                     proposed congregational adoption of the 8th Principle

The event is finished.


Apr 10 2022


11:00 am - 12:00 pm
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