UUFA Making “Good Trouble” for Election 2024

UUFA is committed to being a UUA Good Trouble Congregation. What is a Good Trouble Congregation?
Good Trouble Congregations are congregations that answer that call to organize their communities and engage in the multiple and necessary tactics that will help us win big for our communities in 2024. 

What will UUFA be doing to become a Good Trouble Congregation?To achieve Good Trouble Congregation status, UUFA has committed to meet four criteria:

  1. Turn out 5 percent of members at a partner public action / witness and/or turn out 10 percent of members at UUTV political education event.
  2. Have at least 2 congregants who are line warmers, poll workers, Election Defenders, or non-partisan poll observers.
  3. Send an average of 20 non-partisan postcards or letters per member.
  4. Send an average of 200 non-partisan text messages per member.

The UUFA Good Trouble Team will be providing opportunities for UUFA members and friends to participate in meeting each of these four criteria.

Have you already participated in actions that help UUFA meet these four criteria?  Please share what you have done.  

Questions?  Email justice@uuathensga.org.

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