Coming Up July July 21-27 in Radford, VA,–SUUSI: Southeast UU Summer Institute

All are invited to attend SUUSI this summer, July 21-27 in Radford, VA, a fantastic week long adventure with some of the most favorite people you will ever meet. 

The Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute is an intentional community of UUs and kindred spirits, including all ages and races, LGBTQIA+ friendly, singles, families, adventures from outdoor hikes to board game to nightlife to crafts to worship. We come together to explore our interconnectedness, delight in nature in the Blue Ridge Mountains, enjoy music, art, and learn new ways of seeing ourselves, our world and each other.

Visit SUUSI.org, and please sign up here to get our latest information. You may also follow us on Facebook and Instagram!  

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Coming Up July July 21-27 in Radford, VA,–SUUSI: Southeast UU Summer Institute

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