12 p.m. Charter Chatter Cheddar
The Ministry Council and Board invite all leaders of committees, groups, and teams at UUFA to join in a fun and fulfilling Charter Chatter Cheddar social event on January 21 from 12 PM until 3 PM in the AWE room and later the fellowship hall. This event will be a marvelous opportunity to come together and learn about the new Charter format from Board members while we all enjoy all kinds of macaroni and cheese together (vegan, gluten free, etc.). Please SIGN UP HERE.
A Message From UUFA’s President:
With the completion of our new mission and vision statements, we now have the opportunity to revisit the charters we have for all the groups and committees we have at UUFA. The last charters were written a number of years ago so it is time for an update. These charters are important because it is the way we can organize and evaluate ourselves on how the work we are doing supports our mission and vision. The board and ministry council have worked together to make this process informative, collaborative and yes, we hope FUN! ~ Jane Mayer, President 2023-2024